Paris » Defense »  Foto IMG_8911     [foto 33 di 40]  :: Vai a  
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With this girl apparently having fun making funny faces on the big sphere's surface, I managed to include the reflection of some photographer taking pictures of the same subject.
Actually, he looks familiar...
IMG_8902 * 1032 x 1549 * (987KB)

IMG_8910 * The actual travellers didnt put their feet in the pool * 2912 x 4368 * (4.59MB)

IMG_8913 * 2697 x 4046 * (5.12MB)

Apri l'immagine originale in un'altra finestra (2.06MB)
8/15/09 11:24 PM
Clicca per scorrere le foto originali ingrandite
IMG_8915 * 4368 x 2912 * (7.75MB)

IMG_8916 * 4206 x 2804 * (7.54MB)

IMG_8923 * 2769 x 4154 * (4.22MB)