Paris » Eiffel »  Foto 07.Ecole.Militaire     [foto 11 di 69]  :: Vai a  
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The Military School and the Champs of Mars. It's about war here!
IMG_8135 * 2533 x 3800 * (3.81MB)

IMG_8161-2 * this from 2009 * 2912 x 4368 * (4.21MB)

IMG_8127 * from 2009, we were their alter(ed) egos. They're the actual travellers * 2912 x 4368 * (5.12MB)

Apri l'immagine originale in un'altra finestra (2.05MB)
6/7/08 4:29 PM
Clicca per scorrere le foto originali ingrandite * The photos don't make it real, anyway I hope this one can give the idea of the size. * 2648 x 1765 * (1.34MB)

09.Pont.Iena * 2675 x 1783 * (1.26MB)

10.Pont.Iena * 3634 x 2463 * (1.59MB)