Paris » Louvre »  Foto 02.Pyramide.Inversée     [foto 2 di 99]  :: Vai a  
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01.Pyramide.Inversée * Here we are in the Galerie du Caroussel, accessible from the subway station, and this is the Pyiramide Inversée (the Inverted Pyramid) seen from below. the glass base of the Pyramid faces the sky. The Inverted Pyramid was build in early 90s as a small upside-down sibling of the more famous Louvre Pyramid, located outside in the middle of the museum courtyard and serving as the main entrance. * 2497 x 1681 * (928KB)

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6/6/08 8:24 PM
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03.Pyramide.Inversée * 2722 x 1814 * (1.5MB)

04.Pyramide.Inversée * From the bottom. * 2946 x 2115 * (1.59MB)

05 * 2627 x 1751 * (650KB)