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Can't remember exactly, this is probably in the Greek antiques department.
61.Egyptian.Antiques * 1814 x 2722 * (1021KB)

62.Egyptian.Antiques * 2722 x 1814 * (635KB)

63.Egyptian.Antiques * 2438 x 3677 * (1.82MB)

Apri l'immagine originale in un'altra finestra (596KB)
6/6/08 10:23 PM
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65 * Now we are in the modern age museum. * 3504 x 2336 * (1.56MB)

66.Galerie.d'Apollon * 3405 x 2269 * (1.97MB)

67.Galerie.d'Apollon * Amazing decorations on the roofs everywhere. * 3504 x 2336 * (2.22MB)