Paris » Louvre »  Foto 92.Athena     [foto 92 di 99]  :: Vai a  
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89.Venus.of.Milo * From an inscription that was on its plinth, it is thought to be the work of Alexandros of Antioch. It was discovered by a peasant named Yorgos Kentrotas in 1820 inside a buried niche within the ancient city ruins of Milos on the Aegean island of Milos. * 1814 x 2722 * (688KB)

90.Stracc * 1926 x 1357 * (444KB)

91 * 1814 x 2722 * (762KB)

Apri l'immagine originale in un'altra finestra (697KB)
6/6/08 11:04 PM
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93 * 1784 x 2636 * (731KB)

94 * 1814 x 2722 * (1.08MB)

95 * 2722 x 1814 * (453KB)