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IMG_9373 * Some Mongolian musicians. The one on the left uses a particular technique to sing harmonically with one single voice, so that the main note on the bass stays constant, while a second note is produced by a resonance effect, and it changes producing a melody. * 3340 x 2226 * (4.62MB)

IMG_9387 * Inside the Pompidou building * 4368 x 2912 * (7.31MB)

IMG_9392 * 2912 x 4368 * (7.18MB)

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8/17/09 5:26 PM
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IMG_9398 * Interesting industrial sculplted fountains in a pool nearby the Centre Pompidou * 4150 x 2767 * (5.6MB)

IMG_9403 * 4235 x 2823 * (6.33MB)

IMG_9404 * 2369 x 3553 * (4.83MB)