Paris » Versailles » Chateau »  Foto 40.Galerie.des.Glaces     [foto 45 di 68]  :: Vai a  
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37.Galerie.des.Glaces * The Hall of Mirrors saw the 1871 proclamation of the German empire by Otto van Bismarck and the 1918 signature of the Versailles treaty which ended WWI. * 1668 x 2515 * (1.35MB)

38.Galerie.des.Glaces * 3078 x 2187 * (1.68MB)

39.Galerie.des.Glaces * 3311 x 2208 * (2.52MB)

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6/8/08 8:26 PM
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41.Galerie.des.Glaces * 1814 x 2722 * (1.58MB)

42.Galerie.des.Glaces.jpgIMG_7935 * 1814 x 2722 * (883KB)

43.Galerie.des.Glaces * 1765 x 2722 * (1.52MB)