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Can't remember what is this, but I liked the contrast...
75.Victory.of.Samothrace * The product of an unknown sculptor, presumably of Rhodian origin, the Victory is believed to date to between 220 and 190 BC. When first discovered on the island of Samothrace and published in 1863 it was suggested that the Victory was erected by the Macedonian general Demetrius I Poliorcetes after his naval victory at Cyprus between 295 and 289 BC. * 1814 x 2722 * (795KB)

76.Victory.of.Samothrace * 1814 x 2722 * (902KB)

77.La.Gioconda * Mona Lisa is now officially recognized as Lisa Gherardini, wife of the Florenitne silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo.
The portrait was commissioned to Leonardo in 1503 for celebrating the second family's newborn son, and it's thought that Leonardo finished it only in France, shortly before he died in 1519.
For the newbies like me, there is an interesting video on youtube explaining why the Mona Lisa is  one of the most famous paintings in history. * 911 x 1193 * (367KB)

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6/6/08 10:46 PM
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79.Napoleon.Bonaparte * 1814 x 2369 * (813KB)

80 * 2722 x 1814 * (1.42MB)

81 * 2452 x 3277 * (2.08MB)