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78 * Can't remember what is this, but I liked the contrast... * 2491 x 1699 * (778KB)

79.Napoleon.Bonaparte * 1814 x 2369 * (813KB)

80 * 2722 x 1814 * (1.42MB)

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6/6/08 10:47 PM
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82 * Ok, that's it with paintings! Sorry for any visitor who's interested in paintings before late 19th century, unfortunately we're not on the same page... * 1814 x 2722 * (641KB)

83 * 1814 x 2722 * (844KB)

84.Canova.Psyche.Revived.By.Cupid.kiss * Antonio Canova's statue Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss, first commissioned in 1787, exemplifies the Neoclassical obsession with love and emotion. It represents the god Cupid in the height of love and tenderness, right after awakening the lifeless Psyche with a kiss, a scene excerpted from Lucius Apuleius' The Golden Ass. (no, it's not a typo) * 1814 x 2477 * (638KB)