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Here's the Conciergerie, an ancient prison on the Ile de la cite' (near Notre Dame) part of the complex known as Palais de Justice - the same which encapsulates the church of Sainte Chapelle. During the french revolution, many prisoners were sentenced to death at the Conciergerie.
IMG_9405 * 2741 x 4111 * (5.23MB)

Tour St. Jacques * 2506 x 3678 * (4.98MB)

IMG_9402 * 2753 x 4129 * (5.99MB)

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8/17/09 5:45 PM
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IMG_9425 * Love outside prison :) * 3885 x 2590 * (4.38MB)

IMG_9422-Edit * 4238 x 2826 * (4.93MB)

IMG_9434 * 2166 x 3249 * (3.36MB)