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IMG_9402 * 2753 x 4129 * (5.99MB)

Conciergerie * Here's the Conciergerie, an ancient prison on the Ile de la cite' (near Notre Dame) part of the complex known as Palais de Justice - the same which encapsulates the church of Sainte Chapelle. During the french revolution, many prisoners were sentenced to death at the Conciergerie. * 4240 x 2827 * (6.18MB)

IMG_9425 * Love outside prison :) * 3885 x 2590 * (4.38MB)

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8/17/09 5:55 PM
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IMG_9434 * 2166 x 3249 * (3.36MB)

01.Eiffel.Steampunk * Gray sky, it's 2008 now. Around the Bassin de la Villette (Villette Basin), north east to the center and close to my hotel. * 2453 x 1635 * (918KB) * The Bassin de la Villette is the biggest artificial lake in Paris.
It was originally used as drinkable water reserve for the Parisian citizen. Its second function, associated with the second basin, was to provide water necessary for navigation on the channels of Saint-Denis and Saint Martin's.

At the beginning of XIX century, the basin was surrounded by gardens, where the Parisian citizens came to spend their leisure time (walks in summer, ice-skating in winter). During the industrial era after 1850, the leisure acitivities around the basin decreased and eventually ceased. * 2652 x 1671 * (765KB)